My own tournament turned out to be quite tough. Most of my opponents were more than 100 points higher rated than me. I got 3.5 points out of 9 and because I faced strong opposition I still managed to gain 9 rating points with 2122 performance! The other amusing thing was that I didn't lose any of my black games - I drew them all! I certainly wasn't playing for draws but I had to defend for a long time in four out of those five games (two of them a pawn down!) The average number of moves in my games was 48 which left me quite exhausted. And my last game was second to last to finish with 70 moves. I didn't do very well with white for some reason - I lost three of my white games and won one. I guess I wasn't in my best form as, annoyingly, I managed to lose a winning position in round 4. However, playing at Cap d'Agde proved to be a very useful learning experience. Performing well against stronger opponents gives additional confidence and provides rich, interesting games for analysis.
Here is an example from one of my games. We both had a few minutes left. I had to defend a pawn down for half of the game, but at this moment I felt that the fortune has turned even though I was still a pawn down. I had the initiative and white's pieces were suspiciously positioned. So I spent 2-3 minutes frantically looking for winning continuations but at the end had to make a move - it only guaranteed me a draw.
N. Relea (2193) - M. Yurenok (2071)
Cap d'Agde, 27th October 2010
I played:
52...Rxg4 53. Qxg4 Qf2+ 54. Kh3 Qxc2 55. Qg5+ Kh7 56. Qe7+ Kh6 57. Qf8+ Kh7 58. Qf7+ Kh6 59. Qf8+ 1/2:1/2
Can you find how I should have played to win? It's fairly simple but not obvious. I'll provide an answer in the next post.
I also had a very interesting double rook endgame which I again had to defend until the tables had turned and I could have won. It also ended up being a draw but it was a lot more complicated to find the win than in the position above. I will show that endgame to you in the next post.
The last round was in the morning. The weather was warm and sunny on that day, so in the afternoon I had a long walk along the beach and all the way into the Cap d'Agde marina (photo above - on my walk along the coast). There I had a drink and watched boats, crowds of people and their dogs from my outdoor cafe table. It was Sunday and also the Halloween with random children dressed in supposedly scary clothes. What can I say - South of France! I could easily imagine myself on one of those luxury boats!
I didn't see the solution: I was looking for a zugzwang after exchanging queen and rook.
The silicon friend suggested me the solution: so simple. I was wondering how to resolve this blindness. :)
instead of 52... Rxg4, 52...R-f3 53.R-g3 only move, Q-f4 wins
Hi Alberto,
Yes, it's amazing how simple the solution is but it's quite hard to see the right idea! A bit annoying I didn't find it during the game, but to be fair I was losing earlier on so draw was probably a fair result.
Hi Anonymous,
It's not quite right. White can play 53. Qg2 and if 53... Rf2 54. Rxg6!+ and now white is two pawns up.
54. Rxg6+ cannot be played because the Rook is pinned by the Queen on f4.
Disregard my last comment, you are right.
No, you are looking one move ahead of the position that I described. Instead of 53.Rg3 (because that's not the only move) white plays 53.Qg2. If black replies 53...Rf2 pinning the white Queen, then 54.Rxg6+ because white rook was on g4 and black's queen was still on f6 not pinning the white rook. In this case black is forced to play 54...Qxg6 55.Qxf2 and white has yet another pawn in a queen endgame, winning.
Ah, ok. Just got your last comment :) from 16:31. You got me worried!
52...Kh5 looks very interesting. 53.Rg5+ Qxg5 54.hxg5 Rh4. And 53.Rxf4 Qxf4+ Black trades queens, wins the h-pawn and should win the pawn endgame.
Yes, that's quite correct! Not easy to see it's time to attack with the king!
As I see from your article,it was a great tournament!Next year I'll try to play there
In the round 6 you played against a friend of mine - Laurent Milesi.Was it an interesting game?
Yes, I recommend the tournament - it has a great chess atmosphere about it. I didn't play well against Laurent Milesi. I didn't make an effort to think a bit more at one point (move 17) so ended up in a worse endgame which I rightfully lost. So I guess the game wasn't particularly interesting!
Beautiful view and very beautiful woman.
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